On February 3rd, IPI hosted a panel of housing policy experts from four Indigenous organizations from across Ontario. Panelists outlined their organizations' work on creating housing policy that addresses the unique needs of Indigenous populations, and how these policies are implemented in communities throughout the province.
Thank you to everyone who made out to this event, we hope to see many of you at future events as well! Below please find a video recording of our panelists' presentations, as well as contact information if you have questions for any of these organizations and their work.
Chelsea Combot, Policy Coordinator - Housing and Homelessness Policy Analyst, ccombot@ofifc.org, Ontario Federation of Indigenous Friendship Centres (OFIFC)
Bonnie Wilson, Housing Policy Analyst, bwilson@onwa.ca, Ontario Native Women's Association (ONWA)
Peggy Rice, Policy Analyst, price@oahssc.ca and Daneen Dénommé, Director of Policy and Programs, ddenomme@oahssc.ca, Ontario Aboriginal Housing Services (OAHS)
Juan Gomez, Senior Policy and Research Analyst - Housing and Homelessness, juang@mno.org, Métis Nation of Ontario (MNO)